Improve Customer Targeting with Third-Party Data Ingestions

Kyte Consulting's ongoing series of live streaming events featuring Industry Experts giving insights into common questions.
23-Feb-2022 - Read More

Good Branding is more than just a Logo

Kyte Consulting's ongoing series of live streaming events featuring Industry Experts giving insights into common questions.
16-Feb-2022 - Read More

An Overview of the Oracle CX Cloud

Oracle has an extensive suite of products in the Customer Experience (CX) stack. CX covers all aspects of the customer journey, from initial awareness and research phase, to consideration, purchase and post purchase services. Whether your business is in B2C or B2B, is selling products or services, smart and data driven automation in customer engagement enable efficiencies leading to direct cost savings and increased revenue. This article provides an overview of Oracle CX Cloud’s amazing range of functionalities and key use cases, ensuring you can move your organisation towards a mature player in today’s Experience Economy.
25-Jan-2022 - Read More

ZacSpeed- a Kyte Success Story

ZacSpeed an Australian based Retailer specialising on high tech gear for adventure sports
10-Dec-2021 - Read More

A case study of a start-up: When to use SEO vs Social Media

Kyte Consulting's ongoing series of live streaming events featuring Industry Experts giving insights into common questions.
1-Dec-2021 - Read More

Top 7 considerations when implementing Digital Asset Management

Kyte Consulting's ongoing series of live streaming events featuring Industry Experts giving insights into common question
24-Nov-2021 - Read More

Customer Experience is a key differentiator.

Focus on prioritising your immediate quick wins, while establishing a plan on how to deliver against strategic objectives.

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