Good Branding is more than just a Logo

Kyte Consulting's ongoing series of live streaming events featuring Industry Experts giving insights into common questions.

Good branding is often underestimated, undervalued and miss understood.

You only get one chance to make a good first impression! That first impression needs to be clear and effective.

Too few medium sized businesses understand how they are perceived in the marketplace. They may be a new business, or their branding may not have evolved with their existing business. They may have undervalued the effect branding has on their customers, or may not have understood them very well.

Good branding should work hard for a business and be a powerful sales tool. It should develop its own unique personality and differentiate itself from others by connecting on an emotional level.

In this session, Dean Craig (Art Director and Designer / Flux Creative) will discuss the essence of good branding that applies to all businesses and provide some interesting examples to illustrate the importance of getting it right.

Customer Experience is a key differentiator.

Empowering businesses to thrive in the Experience Economy by creating transformative customer and employee experiences that drive growth, loyalty, and innovation.

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