Reach your highest value customers and prospects

Thousands of consumer data points are modelled into campaign-specific, syndicated or custom audiences to deliver the right message to the right consumer at the right time.


Using Mobilewalla Audience Segments

Our audience segments can be deployed in digital and social channels including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

  • Increase campaign results and maximize your advertising investment through precise, validated segments
  • Specifically reach your highest value prospects through custom audience segments
  • Use your existing ad tech providers by easily accessing segments through major DMPs and DSPs
  • Use attribution to determine the effectiveness of digital and OOH advertising campaigns

How We Build Audience Segments

The depth and breadth of Mobilewalla data, allows us to build a portrait of each device ID. We use predictive modelling to understand patterns and then group devices into specific segments. App usage provides behavioural information and tells a precise story on the consumer.

Demographic insights provide additional background information. Mobilewalla verifies our age and gender segments with Nielsen DAR and US Census data. GPS latitude and longitude location data from billions of daily signals allow for scale and accuracy.

Customer Experience is a key differentiator.

Empowering businesses to thrive in the Experience Economy by creating transformative customer and employee experiences that drive growth, loyalty, and innovation.

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